Share a slice of joy

Here at Fiona Cairns, we love to decorate cakes with flowers. So as spring is – finally – springing all around, why not have a go at a homemade edible display, decorating cakes with beautiful pansies, which are both edible and in flower all year. (Make sure they’re unsprayed). Or try making sugar flowers: it’s fun and easier than you think. Follow us on Instagram and look out for a how-to video!

Decorating cakes is an activity we’ve enjoyed with youngsters at Rainbows childrens’ hospice, and a team of us from Fiona Cairns will be running our local Park Run in aid of the charity this month. We’re so proud of the connection, and of our amazing local donors too.

We’ll be raising our teacups to National Tea Day on 21st April, with a slice of cake on the side no doubt, before showcasing our range of goodies at the Farm Shop & Deli Show in Birmingham at the end of the month. We love supplying Fiona Cairns cakes to these smaller independent shops, filled with delicious dainties just like ours.


Picnics, Weddings and Sharing our Summers


The only month when it’s ok to have all your eggs in one basket!